Pastor Sarah’s Installation

Pastor Sarah Humphrey will be installed at CLC on May 11 at 10:30am at CLC. There will be a pot-luck celebration the same day at 12:30pm. All are welcome! If you would like to bring food there’s a sign-up sheet in the narthex.

Garage Sale

Our Luther League Garage Sale will be held on June 1. While doing your Spring cleaning, please hold onto your Treasures for the upcoming Youth Garage Sale.  Please put all Treasures on the stage after April 15th. Proceeds will go towards the youth who are attending the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer.  Any questions, please contact Jennifer Gelchie at 516.810.1128.

Service Auction

MARK YOUR CALENDARS -  JUNE 15TH at 2:00pm for this years Service Auction. Just a friendly reminder - anything you won at last year’s auction will be expiring June of this year. Please arrange to redeem  anything, cookies, cakes, dinners etc -  that you paid for/won at the auction. Thanks, Gail Parisi.