The food pantry is located at First Presbyterian Church in Northport and is open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 to noon. Each month our church volunteers bring donated people and pet food, baby food and diapers from our collection box in the narthex to the pantry two to three times during the month. The pantry is available to anyone in the Northport, East Northport and Centerport area needing food.
Each Advent, a Christmas tree is erected in the church narthex with angel tags containing gift wishes from local children and their families who are referred by the YDA (families that utilize the Ecumenical Food Pantry we support) and the Penates Women’s Shelter. CLC members have the opportunity to purchase these items and share their blessings.
Watch for the tree to be set up on the first Sunday in Advent. It will contain “angel tags” describing the age, gender and a ”gift wish” for children and their parents. Each tag will state if the gift should be wrapped or not and it is suggested that a gift receipt accompany each gift.
Social Concerns holds two clothing drives each year in May and October. Seasonal clothing is donated by church members and collected on the stage in the fellowship room. Volunteers sort and repack the clothing in large bags. The bags are labeled and loaded into a small trailer provided by a CLC family. All the bags are delivered to The Helping Hands Rescue Mission in Huntington Station in time for their community clothing distribution weekend. Their volunteers greet us with enthusiasm and help bring the clothing in. This is a wonderful way to bring comfort our neighbors. All volunteers are welcome!
Every Thanksgiving we collect donations to assemble food baskets for those less fortunate in our community. Our Sunday School and Little Lights Preschool contribute also. The baskets are delivered to the ELC Food Pantry in Northport where they are distributed along with a turkey to families served by the pantry.
Our Shawl Ministry group knits and crochets prayer shawls and blankets for those confined to their home or in hospitals and other care facilities.
The prayer shawl ministry group meets as needed each month in the Bill Goff room. Much of their work is done at home. In addition to the shawls and blankets being created for CLC members, they are also being donated to the Hospice House in East Northport and We Care Blankets to be distributed to children in hospitals. All are welcome to join us in knitting or crocheting prayer shawls and quilting blankets. Email us for more information.
On the last Tuesday of each month volunteers gather in the church kitchen to make sandwiches for the guests of Mercy Inn soup kitchen in Wyandanch. This ministry would not be possible without the generous donations of American cheese, cold-cuts and whole wheat bread that prayerfully appear each month.
All are welcome to spend an hour chatting, laughing and getting to know other church members and making sandwiches for those less fortunate. If you would like to volunteer please meet us in the church kitchen on the last Tuesday of any month.
Our vegetable garden provides fresh vegetables to the Northport Food Pantry so that people in need can have fresh vegetables. It was founded by Deacon Sharon Tyson and is tended by members of our congregation. If you’d like to volunteer we’re always looking for a few more “farmers”.
Through the Huntington Interfaith Homeless Initiative (HIHI) local houses of worship have opened their doors and provided shelter, a warm dinner, breakfast and a bag lunch for the homeless in our area. CLC has been part of the Lutheran Respite Center at Gloria Dei church which hosts this initiative every Tuesday evening between Thanksgiving and the end of March. Our congregation members assemble lunches including fruit, home-made cookies, sandwiches and water bottles for 38 homeless men who shelter at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Huntington Station during the winter months.
A collection box is available in the narthex for unneeded children’s and adult’s eyeglasses and sunglasses which are donated to the Lion’s Club "Recycle for Sight" program which refurbishes the glasses and distributes them to people in need.
A collection box is available in the narthex for trial-size toiletries, dental supplies and cosmetics for the Penates Women’s Shelter in Suffolk County. These women often leave potentially dangerous situations with little belongings and welcome these items.
Our Social Concerns team accepts manufacturers coupons for the Coupons For Our Troops program. A labeled box is provided under the bench in the narthex. The coupons are collected and brought to a local library. The coupons are sent to a designated site where they are distributed to military families.